Sprinkler Irrigation System

Sprinkler irrigation system allows application of water under high pressure with the help of a pump. It releases water similar to rainfall through a small diameter nozzle placed in the pipes. Water is distributed through a system of pipes, sprayed into air and irrigates in most of the soil type due to wide range of discharge capacity.
  • Eliminates water conveyance channels, thereby reducing conveyance loss.
  • Suitable in all types of soil except heavy clay.
  • Water saving up to 30% - 50 %.
  • Suitable for irrigation where the plant population per unit area is very high.
  • Helps to increase yield.
  • Reduces soil compaction.
  • Mobility of system helps system operation easy.
  • Suitable for undulating land.
  • Saves land as no bunds required.
  • Soluble fertilizers and chemicals use are possible.
  • Provides frost protection & helps in alteration of micro climate.
  • Reduces labour cost.
Major Components of Sprinkler Irrigation System
1 Pumping station or Header Assembly 2 By-pass valve
3 Fertilizer tank 4 Filtration system
5 Pressure gauges 6 Control valves
7 HDPE / PVC Pipes 8 QRC Pump connector
9 Sprinkler Nozzles 10 Service Saddle

General Classification of Sprinkler Irrigation System
Sprinkler systems are classified into two major types based on the arrangement of spraying irrigation water.

1.Rotating head or revolving sprinkler system.
Central Pivot Rotating Boom type Side roll lateral

2.Rotating head or revolving sprinkler system.
Based on the portability, sprinkler systems are classified into the
following types:
Portable system Semi portable system
Semi permanent system Permanent system

Types of Sprinklers Based on Precipitation
Type of Sprinkler Precipitation Rate
(mm per hour)
Low Volume Sprinkler Less than 13
Medium Volume Sprinkler 13 - 25
Large Volume Sprinkler(Raingun) Above 25
Response of Different Crops to Sprinkler Irrigation System
Crops Water Saving (%) Yield increase (%)
Chilli 33 24
Cotton 36 50
Fenugreek 29 35
Gram 69 57
Jowar 55 34
Maize 41 36
Onion 33 23
Sunflower 33 20
Wheat 35 24