Plastics Mulching

Mulching is covering the soil around the plant with plastics film, straw, grass, hay, dry leaves, stones etc which prevents the loss of moisture and acts as a barrier between the soil and atmosphere. It helps in moderating the soil temperature & micro-climate in the plant root zone, which helps to increase yield and early maturity of crops.

There are coloured plastics mulch films, which determine its energyradiating behavior and also influences the micro climate around the plant.

  • Provides favourable soi l moisture for development of roots and plants.
  • Prevents weed growth.
  • Provides ideal environment for earthworms and other soil micro-organisms beneficial for crops.
  • Improves soil micro climate.
  • Conserves water.
  • Effective in dry land farming.
  • Increases crop yield & keeps the crop clean.
  • Improves quality of produce.
  • Prevents soil erosion & run off.
  • Reduces soil compaction due to heavy rains.

Crops Recommended (%) coverage
Creeper crops 20-25
Initial stage of orchard crops 30-50
Fruits crops & cucurbitaceous family 40-60
Papaya, pine apple and vegetable 70-80

Thickness in films Wt. Per unit Coverage area per
kg of film (sq.m.)
Type o f Crops
Microns Gauge mm Grams / sq. m.
7 28 0.007 5 153 Short duration crops (3 to 4 months)
10 40 0.001 10 107
25 100 0.025 23 48
50 200 0.05 48 21 Medium duration
crops (up to 1 year)
100 400 0.1 93 11 Long duration crops
( more than one year)

Type of Plastics Mulch Films
